Friday 27 May 2016

Whats your emotional age

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Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from J. George Frederick’s Grow Up Emotionally and Have Fun: 58 Valuable and Amusing Psychological Tests of Emotional Maturity. Originally published in 1936, this quiz still offers a nice chance for reflecting on your emotional maturity, and whether or not it matches your biological age!
Here’s a way to measure how old you are emotionally.

How to Boost testesteron

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  Diet and Testosterone
For any of this to make sense, you need to understand a few basics about how testosterone is produced in the body. Testosterone levels are affected by a whole range of things, diet being one of them. While eating testosterone-friendly food is necessary for optimizing testosterone levels, it isn’t sufficient. You also need to throw in some heavy weightlifting along with some lifestyle changes like reducing stress and sleeping better. (Click here for my complete list of ways to naturally boost your testosterone.) So if you were hoping to put some hair on your chest by eating summer sausage alone, I’m sorry to say that strategy won’t cut it.

How to Fight Multiple Assailants

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Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Dylan Edmiston.
So you’ve been training to be a better fighter. Maybe you take classes or maybe you’ve readAoM’s numerous articles on self-defense and have been practicing with a friend. You are no Bruce Lee, but you feel like you could hold your own against the Average Joe or punk who means you harm.

Turning Yourself into a Human Weapon

Most of us living in modern, western democracies live relatively safe lives. We’re not having to constantly protect ourselves from marauding, blood thirsty tribes or fend off criminals at every corner.

How to tie things to the top of your car

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